Get CDR data¶
Webitel allows you make search request to the elasticsearch index using request body.
- POST /api/v2/cdr/text¶
Example request:
POST /api/v2/cdr/text HTTP/1.1 Content-Type: application/json X-Access-Token: eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJleHAiOjE0NDIwMDIxNzkzNTh9 X-Key: 8fd26a17-eb28-4c74-aa6f-a3794f4f466c { "columns": [ "created_time", "caller_id_number", "extension", "duration", "hangup_cause" ], "filter": [ { "bool": { "must": [ { "range": { "created_time": { "gte": "now-2h/h", "lte": "now" } } }, { "query_string": { "analyze_wildcard": true, "default_field": "*", "query": "caller_id_number:/0[679]3.*/" } } ], "must_not": [] } } ], "index": "cdr-a", "limit": 10, "query": "*", "sort": { "created_time": { "order": "desc", "unmapped_type": "boolean" } } }
Example response:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK { "took": 7, "timed_out": false, "_shards": { "total": 5, "successful": 5, "skipped": 0, "failed": 0 }, "hits": { "total": 4, "max_score": null, "hits": [ { "_index": "", "_type": "cdr", "_id": "8161b3e0-6c3e-4421-bfea-eb174941c7d7", "_score": null, "fields": { "duration": [ 48 ], "created_time": [ "2018-12-01T12:39:13.750Z" ], "caller_id_number": [ "0636499995" ], "hangup_cause": [ "NORMAL_CLEARING" ] }, "sort": [ 1543667953750 ] }, { "_index": "", "_type": "cdr", "_id": "74567f94-bfea-4a91-9f23-7ed0ea93c6f4", "_score": null, "fields": { "duration": [ 17 ], "created_time": [ "2018-12-01T12:37:57.950Z" ], "caller_id_number": [ "0939358555" ], "hangup_cause": [ "NO_ROUTE_DESTINATION" ] }, "sort": [ 1543667877950 ] }, { "_index": "", "_type": "cdr", "_id": "00de4e45-00ae-444a-9e85-b94fbbaf992a", "_score": null, "fields": { "duration": [ 2 ], "created_time": [ "2018-12-01T12:37:33.690Z" ], "caller_id_number": [ "0636444445" ], "hangup_cause": [ "NORMAL_CLEARING" ] }, "sort": [ 1543667853690 ] }, { "_index": "", "_type": "cdr", "_id": "3d21e501-256f-4fd9-b160-62a7c21f576b", "_score": null, "fields": { "duration": [ 1 ], "created_time": [ "2018-12-01T12:37:26.030Z" ], "caller_id_number": [ "0939333333" ], "hangup_cause": [ "NO_ROUTE_DESTINATION" ] }, "sort": [ 1543667846030 ] } ] } }
- Request Headers
Content-Type – application/json
X-Key and X-Access-Token – Auth Token
- Status Codes
200 OK – No error
400 Bad Request – Bad request
404 Not Found – Not found
CURL example:
curl -XPOST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ -H 'X-Access-Token: eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9i'\ "" \ -d '{\ "columns": [\ "created_time",\ "caller_id_number",\ "extension",\ "duration",\ "hangup_cause"\ ],\ "filter": [\ {\ "bool": {\ "must": [\ {\ "range": {\ "created_time": {\ "gte": "now-2h/h",\ "lte": "now"\ }\ }\ },\ {\ "query_string": {\ "analyze_wildcard": true,\ "default_field": "*",\ "query": "caller_id_number:/0[679]3.*/"\ }\ }\ ],\ "must_not": []\ }\ }\ ],\ "index": "cdr-a",\ "limit": 10,\ "query": "*",\ "sort": {\ "created_time": {\ "order": "desc",\ "unmapped_type": "boolean"\ }\ }\ }'